Our Route of success
20% Lab.
30% Final test.
10% English club
40% Activities.
- Exposition.
- Quiz.
- Interview
- Dialogue.
1 Week.
Introduce yourself in 6 minutes. 29-08-19
Hand in this written task to your teacher. (1st. score)
1- Greetings.
2- Name.
1- Greetings.
2- Name.
3- Nickname.
4- Age.
5- Birthday.
6- Nationality.
7- Where you live.
8- Your preferencies in sport, food, drink, color, music, month, day of the week,etc.
9- What do you do for a living
10- Your cellphone number.
11- Name the things you are wearing.
12- Describe your best friend physical appearance and personality.
13- Describe your family and professions.
14- Why you´re studying this career.
15. How must be the teachers now a days..
2-3 Weeks:
Memories and emotions
Narrative tenses.
Used to/ be used to/get used to.
Past modals.
Evaluation dates.
1.- Interview-writing (6 minutes). 1
2.- Roleplay. (describing experiences, feelings,emotions, places, etc) 11-09-19
3.- Listening activities. 10-09-19 1 2
4.- Reading a book.
5.- Quiz. 05-09-19
4-5 weeks.
Enjoying media
Passive voice
Reported speech.
Question formation (auxiliars)
Evaluation dates.
1.- Interview-writing (6 minutes). 26-09-19
2.- Roleplay. (reporting news) 25-09-19
3.- Listening activities. 24-09-19
4.- Quiz. 19-09-19
5 week. First test. 01-10-19
7-8 weeks:
Thinking about my future career.
Future perfect and future continuous.
Evaluation dates.
1.- Interview-writing (8 minutes).
2.- Roleplay. (describing hopes and plans, probability, doubt, speculations etc.) 16-10-19
3.- Listening activities. 15-10-19
4.- Quiz. 10-10-19
9-10 weeks.
Lifestyles in modern times.
Using adjectives as nouns.
The position of adverbs.
Clause of contrast and purpose.
Evaluation dates.
1.- Interview-writing (10 minutes). 31-10-19
2.- Video (expressing agreement, disagreement, reaction and indifference) 30-10-19
3.- Listening activities. 29-10-19
4.- Quiz. 24-10-19
11 week. Second final test. 05-11-19
12-13 weeks.
Enjoying movies.
Would expressing habits in the past.
Gerunds and Infinitives.
Verbs of the senses
Evaluation dates.
1.- Interview-writing (10 minutes).
2.- Video. 19-11-19
3.- Debate through Listening. 20-11-19
4.- Quiz. 14-11-19
2.- Video. 19-11-19
3.- Debate through Listening. 20-11-19
4.- Quiz. 14-11-19
14-15 weeks.
Art in history
Uncountables and plural nouns
Evaluation dates.
1.- Interview-writing (10 minutes).
2.- Video. 04-12-19
3.- Debate. 03-12-19
4.- Quiz. 28-11-19
16 week. Final test. 10-12-19